
In this Scenario sketch, we develop a possible pathway for China to achieve a carbon-neutral energy system by 2060. It is a highly challenging goal, but one we believe is economically and technically possible

This sketch sets out a deep and rapid decarbonisation pathway that relies on electrifying as much of the economy as possible with low-carbon and no-carbon power generation. The remaining hard-to-electrify energy needs are met by low-carbon fuels, such as hydrogen and advanced bioenergy, and technologies like carbon capture, utilisation and storage.

We identify three main areas of action over the next 40 years: accelerate clean technologies like renewable power, hydrogen and bio-resources; support energy-efficient and low-carbon choices to halve energy intensity; and remove carbon emissions by scaling up carbon capture, utilisation and storage.

If these and other actions are taken, China could achieve its target by 2060.

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China Scenario Sketch

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Summary sketch

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See how sectors transform in the China scenario sketch infographic.