
Shell Catalysts & Technologies’ Ultra-Flat Quench interbed internals can be retrofitted or incorporated into new reactors, and have the potential to improve catalyst utilization within a wide operating window (–50% to +20% of normal operating throughput). Their versatility includes an application for different feed qualities, as well as options for gas or liquid quench types.

While increasing unit margins by improving catalyst performance, our UFQ interbed internals are also quick and easy to install for enhanced safety and shorter turnaround times. With more than 20 years of ongoing improvement and installation experience for Shell’s UFQ interbed internals, Shell Catalysts & Technologies is well prepared to put its solutions to work for you.

A reactor with an ultra-flat quench system internal part.

Designed specifically to mix gas and liquid phases separately, Shell UFQ interbed internals can achieve excellent mixing performance regardless of quench load.

Shell Catalysts & Technologies conducts extensive testing across customers’ and Shell affiliates’ deployments for all refinery and catalysts solutions. Applying this methodology allows for UFQ interbed internals to occupy less than 1.2 m of reactor height while keeping the pressure drop to about 0.1 bar (1.5 psi) and achieving homogeneous liquid-gas mixing and highly-effective quenching.

High-Dispersion Distributor Trays

Shell Catalysts & Technologies’ HD Trays outperform existing distributor tray technology to meet increasingly stringent product specifications. 

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Contact Shell Catalysts & Technologies to meet the challenges petrochemical plants face with confidence.